Saturday, August 29, 2015

Syllabus Week Shuffle

Good morning! I appreciate you all being patient and loyal as I get settled into my first week of my second year here at Miami.

The worst thing about syllabus week is the shuffle that is forced by it. I don't know about the rest of you, but I am a huge planner. (Just in case you haven't picked up on that by now.) I do a lot of reading ahead over the weekends to make my weeks move smoother. That option is pretty much taken away with syllabus week. There is no "ahead," there is only today. (A metaphor for life perhaps?) So, this week was a little more hectic for me than I would have liked. I had some sort of reading due every day, and usually an assignment to either go with it or just in another class. To make my struggle yesterday even bigger, I forgot to take my notebooks to campus with me and had to take notes on the back of single-sheet papers. Ugh! (Silly anti-technology professors)

But thankfully, the weekend has arrived! Meaning time to put some decoration on my walls and time to work ahead! Enjoy your weekend!

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