Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Second Semester

Good Morning! (In my head, you all read that as gooooooooood morning!!!)

Some schools have already started their new semesters, which is crazy to me. I'm also super jealous of those schools! I am ready to get back to university! So, what about the new semester? I feel like this is such a no brainer, but I do want to throw my two cents in. I feel like they're aren't nearly as many things to do before second semester as opposed to before first semester. Probably because first semester, you're dealing with moving back to campus. There are some pretty self-explanatory things to do before classes start back up again, and then there are some things that you might not think of.

Step One*: Clean up from last semester.
This can include multiple things: your desk, your room (although hopefully you tidied up before you left for break), your backpack, your computer files. Make sure you throw out any unnecessary papers (I don't think you need that 10-point worksheet from September). Double check your computer files. Some people (like me) keep everything,  some people pick and choose, and some people dump it all. It's however you live your life. 

Step Two: Buy new school supplies
Who doesn't love this part? Granted there are no big set ups in the store like there are in August and September, but that almost makes it better because you aren't trying to enjoy your supply shopping while attempting not to get hit by the mom's with school-provided shopping lists. Stock up on pencils, highlighters, notebooks, all of the essentials! Check out my post on the essential College Supply Must-Haves

Step Three: Reflect on last semester
Look back on last semester. Your greatest successes. Your greatest failures. What worked? What didn't work? Did you discover a great new way of studying that got you great exam scores? Awesome! Did you finally start studying for finals? Cool! Did you figure out how to get yourself into a good rhythms? Great! The important thing is to remember to reuse what worked for you and toss out what didn't. 

Step Four: Set goals
Now, we're not talking new year's resolutions here. Take some time and really think about what you did last semester that you want to change this semester. For example, I didn't make any time for personal reading last semester. I haven't finished a book since maybe July, and that makes me sad. So, this semester, I am going to make sure that I make time for reading.

Step Five: Buy textbooks
Obviously, new semester means new textbooks. Check out my post on  Paying Less for Textbooks. No one should ever have to pay full price for textbooks, your school bookstore is a complete rip off. 

Step Six: Take a look at your schedule
Take a look at the way your classes are laid out during the day. Where can you fit in lunch? When will you go to the gym? When will be your best time to study? When will your me-time be? Have a general idea of how your days are going to look before you just dive right it.

Step Seven: Get excited (last one)
Get excited! Its a new semester! New classes, new people, new routines. Get excited for new things and then they won't be as daunting. 

"Take the attitude of a student, never too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new."

*These are in no particular order, though they should be followed in a logical sense. 

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